Members of Alleghany-Dunbar 109 of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Lodge of Virginia and its Knights of Pythagoras Youth Group traveled to Atlanta, GA, July 17-23, to participate in a Knights of Pythagoras Youth Empowerment Summer Camp consisting of 5 states. The event was held at Fort Valley State University, GA and represented states of Virginia, New York, Washington DC, Texas and Georgia.

The youth participated in training classes including Leadership, Job Interviewing, Dress to Impress, Being an Entrepreneur, Careers in the Military and Decision Making, to name but a few.
Also included was a trip into downtown Atlanta where members visited Clark-Atlanta University (CAU) and heard from college faculty from CAU, Morehouse, and Morris Brown Colleges.
A very inspiring lecture was given by Defense Attorney Mawuli Mel Davis of Atlanta’s Davis-Bozeman Law Firm entitled “Life on Life’s Terms,” relating to his experiences on representing Black youth in dire situations. This was followed by a question and answer session.
The camp also included a tour of the MLK Museum, Home Place and Mausoleum. The last day featured sporting, oracle and debating competitions. The attending youth gained knowledge, sportsmanship, met new friends and represented Roanoke, VA in an outstanding manner.