Innumerable are the words within the English language that end with ’ception, the most influential of which would most certainly be perception and deception! How one perceives whatever is happening at any given time is inevitably greatly influenced by the deception that too customarily precedes it, often beginning from infancy.
It appears that mankind in the aggregate continues to be so manipulated-–from modern day commercials to as far back as the continuous waging of war itself.
From an old “World Book Encyclopedia, allow me to recant (in part) verbatim:
“WAR: Any struggle in which two large groups try to destroy or conquer each other is war…which since the dawn of history men have fought against men. Families have fought against families, tribes against tribes, followers of one religion against followers of another, nations, or groups of nations against one another…” Of primary note however is the section . . .
(Perception) “Causes of War: In modern times no nation or group chooses war if it can get what it wants peacefully. The fighting starts when a nation wants something so badly that it is willing to go to war to get it. Sometimes war results from a disagreement between two nations and sometimes from a desire for conquest. Some basic causes may be a desire for more land, more wealth, more power or more security”… and
(Deception) “Differences Between Causes and Reasons: When a nation makes war its government always states the reason for the war. This is necessary if the people are to be united in the war effort. But the reasons given for a war need not be the same as its causes. …The causes of war may be selfish, base or even wicked but the reasons stated are usually lofty and noble” in order to sell it to its peoples-–who must fight and die for it”. . . As Most wars have several cause, “Both sides in a war may show reasons which they consider to be valid…”
(Reality) Heretofore the usual practice of mankind has been that if one nation attacked another, the rest of the nations of the world remain neutral and accept no responsibility in the matter unless their own interests were directly affected or threatened. The whole burden of defense was left to the nation attacked, however weak and helpless it might be. The teachings of Baha’u’llah in this new era of mankind’s maturity, reverses this position and throws the responsibility not specifically on the nation attacked, but on all the others, individually and collectively! If the whole of mankind is one community, the attack on any one nation is an attack on the community and should be dealt with by the community.
Were this doctrine generally recognized and acted upon, any nation contemplating an aggression on another would know in advance that it would have to reckon, not with the opposition of that nation alone, but of the rest of the entire world! This knowledge alone would be sufficient to deter even the boldest and most bellicose of nations.
When a sufficient number of peace-loving nations is established, war will become a thing of the past.” (Perception/Deception) Masculine superiority: a common misconception still.
This deception, although modified by law and other circumstances, continues its life and death struggle with reality-–oddly enough among Black males in particular. The preferable integration of Black females into this nation’s initial legally desegregated society may still hold some sway. But the troubled waters run much deeper and continue to affect Black females of today as well as of the past. I strongly believe that this touchy situation needs to be first acknowledged and subsequently addressed professionally through–seminars and/or other controlled settings.
The world continues to be ruled primarily by force (not necessarily military) and man has historically dominated over woman by reason of his forceful and aggressive qualities both of body and mind. “But the balance is shifting. Force is losing its dominance and mental alertness, intuition and the spiritual qualities of love and service, in which woman is strong, are gaining ascendancy,” we read from “Two Wings of a Bird,” a statement issued nearly 20 years ago by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States.
“The education of girls is particularly important as it is through educated mothers that the benefits of knowledge can be most effectively defused throughout society… As long as women are prevented from attaining their highest potentialities, so long will men be unable to achieve the greatness which might be theirs…When women participate fully and equally in the world…war will cease!” (Investigate! 1-800-22-unite)