The Family Life Center of Pilgrim Baptist Church was filled with excitement on Saturday, Feb. 13, as more than 100 women attended a Red Dress seminar and luncheon, sponsored by the Roanoke Chapter of The Links, Inc. in collaboration with the Sister to Sister Women’s Ministry of Pilgrim.
The event featured a Heart Health Seminar to increase women’s awareness and knowledge about cardiovascular health. Heart disease and stroke cause one in three deaths among women each year, killing an estimated one woman every 80 seconds. With education and action, such as that provided at the Red Dress event, 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented.
Attendees were asked to wear red, as the Red Dress now serves as the national symbol for women and heart disease.
The day began with a welcome by Connie Steele, First Lady of Pilgrim Baptist Church and president of the Roanoke Links chapter, and Michelle Gaither, president of Pilgrim’s Sister to Sister Women’s Ministry. The welcome was followed by a continental breakfast and an informative skit about the signs of a heart attack. The morning progressed with a yoga session and various health screenings, hosted by the nursing team of Pilgrim.
The afternoon concluded with heart health facts and a personal heart disease survivor story presentation by Sandra Davis, WomenHeart Champion and Support Network Coordinator of WomenHeart of Roanoke Valley. Attendees then enjoyed a delicious heart healthy lunch and a presentation by keynote speaker Dr. Karanita Ojomo, of LewisGale Hospital, Pulaski, who provided valuable information about cardiovascular health.
The Feb. 13 event was part of a series of activities planned by The Roanoke Chapter The Links, Inc. in collaboration with Heart Truth®.
The chapter is seeking 50-75 African-American women to participate in a research project to educate and raise awareness about heart disease, the #1 killer of African-American women. African-American women, ages 25 and older are at greater risk for coronary heart disease than women in any other ethnic group. As a result, women participating in this study, will become more motivated to take healthy steps toward lowering and/or controlling risk factors associated with heart disease.
Funded by Ogilvy Public Relations and under contract with The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLB) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the research project is being conducted by Mary Clark (principal investigator) of The Links, Inc.
There is no cost to women participating in the study—it is strictly voluntary. Women may withdraw consent or discontinue participation in this study at any time without penalty.
If you are interested in participating or know of someone who is, please contact Rhonda W. Poindexter at (540) 230-3713.