Congratulations to Nicole Yvette Quarles-Martinez for being the chosen writer, featured in the Outskirts Press “Author Spotlight!” Nicole was the chosen author to be recognized for having published three successful books within 1 ½ years. Nicole’s book titles are: As the Heart Blooms (a sparkling compilation of insightful, breathtaking, thought-provoking, sensational, and inspiring poetry that adopts psychological mechanisms of healing through creative expression); Private Suite (a diverse, evocative, eclectic, soul-piercing, stimulating, heart warming, and classy expression of poetry); and Male Order Luv (a colorful, hilarious, inviting, and charming novel which exposes some of the ugly truths and experiences of many individuals who battle the challenging dating world of today). Nicole has also received national rave reviews on each book title, while receiving a magnificent top 5-star rating! Her writing is stylish, graceful, intelligent, eloquent, and even comical at times.
Nicole has been writing poetry since the early age of 11. The graduate of Hollins University, received her Bachelors and Masters degree in the field of Clinical Psychology. She credits her educational background as giving her a broad base from which to approach the many topics she includes in her books. The Roanoke native is currently a Clinical Therapist and a pianist at Staunton Avenue Church of God; where she attends. Her proud parents are Dr. Rawleigh and Barbara Quarles, and have an eleven-year old son, Cristian Alejandro Martinez.
Nicole’s books may be purchased worldwide, including online sites, as well as local bookstores such as Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, AbeBooks, Alibris, Amazon, etc.