On the weekend of August 22-24, 2024, the Lucy Addison Class of 1969 came together at the Roanoke Country Club to celebrate its 55th Reunion. Ironically, when we were at Addison, it was quite difficult to even get a job busing tables at the elite club. Fifty-five years later the same class rented the same country club for the entire weekend! This feat is something many hoped would be one day back in 1969. Of course, there some who never wanted to see this day but we serve a God who will always take care of His children! Due to mass integration, we only had 132 class members. We were blessed to have 42 classmates in attendance and 57 total attendees.
On Friday evening “The Line of 69” held a meet and greet in the clubhouse lounge and deck on the rear of the county club. Classmates enjoyed the majestic view expanding over the golf course all the way to the mountains surrounding Roanoke. We partook of heavy hors d’oeuvres while listening to ‘Old School’ music along with jazz. Many were able to reconnect and retell the stories from when we attended Lucy Addison High. Of course, some of the stories were like a snowball rolling down the a snow covered hill, they were getting bigger with each word!
Saturday evening, guests were given a generous gift back with various items along with a very unique item – a key chain with a Q-R code that when scanned allowed all to review pictures of past reunions, hospitality rooms, picnics and other events. The program offered a memorial to the classmates who have already gone on to the big reunion. Classmate Ron Williams was keynote speaker. All enjoyed entertainment by Jerome Claytor and a Touch of Class Band. One thing that should have been placed in the gift bags was a tube of Ben Gay!
Sunday, we worshipped at one of the neighborhood churches that ironically was mere steps from Easter’s Store, Sweet Union Baptist church where Rev. Demetrius Russell, D.Min, is pastor.
As we parted with sad goodbyes as the weekend came to a close, we reaffirmed that we are “Bulldogs Together, Forever!”