by Louise Bond-Cheatham
On the weekend of August 3-5, 2018 a celebration fit for the Kings and Queens they are, was held for the Lucy Addison High School Class of 1960. This fabulous group of classmates joined together for their 58th class reunion and a special birthday celebration.
Every detail exceeded expectations with an assurance of every “T” being crossed and every “I” dotted by the planning committee. The red carpet was rolled out for the attendees as they started their journey with an abundance of vim, vigor and excitement on Friday evening. Dressed in relaxed attire sporting school colors of blue and white, all enjoyed a delicious cookout held at the Marriott Courtyard.
A tour covering many sites of the Star City was held on Saturday morning with the group departing the hotel by motor coach at 9am, lunch at 11:30 returning to the hotel at approximately 3pm. Sites visited included: the magnificent LAHS Monument Wall, the Dr. Martin Luther King statue, Center in the Square in the City market area where the group also visited the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, the Science Museum of Western Virginia and the Exhibit, “On the Shoulders of Giants” where one of the “Giants” was Roanoke native, Dr. Beth Brown whose mother is a member of the LAHS class of 1960. After a drive down Reserve Avenue past the site of the Old Victory Stadium, a photo shoot at the Mill Mountain Star, the Gainsboro Public Library was also part of the tour. A view of the LAHS monument wall was repeated in the evening under special lighting that was installed. Classmates were in awe of the beauty it revealed. It indeed made a statement and all were proud.
Knowing of the elaborate evening planned, the group ‘did what they had to do’ and emerged in their finery for an evening of elegance at the Roanoke Country Club for dinner. The evening consisted of a delectable banquet and program with classmate, Michael Harris of Baltimore, Md. serving as Master of Ceremonies. Taken from their class theme of “Time,” classmates shared several trips and stories back down memory lane. The class was honored to have the Rev. Ulas and Delores Broady, (a former teacher to many of the classmates) who provided very timely remarks to the group.
Time has as indeed served our classmates well. Ms. Lucy Addison and former teachers would be so proud of the many accomplishments of our classmates and their contributions to our communities and to society as a whole as we too, are as well as grateful for our continued blessings over the years!
All left with warm embraces to hold them until the 60th reunion planned for 2020!