Dr. John I. Penn, a native of Roanoke, VA, and the son of Josephine Penn, has written his fifth book, Miracles of Healing in the Gospel of Mark, published in November 2016. His wife, Gloria, became author of her first book, Miracles Still Happen, in 2015. Both books complement each other. John and Gloria are the proud grandparents of their 16-year old granddaughter, Maya Penn (also an author) who has released her first major book in 2016, You Got This. Between them, they have published seven books. Dr. Penn’s book, Miracles of Healing in the Gospel of Mark, chronicles the healing miracles performed by Jesus. This is no ordinary study of the healing miracles of Jesus.
Penn’s unique format and approach to each of the 16 healing miracles will stir your soul, challenge your faith, inspire you, and open your heart and mind to believe that Jesus can and will heal you. These miracles allow you to see into the very heart of God’s compassion and love for His broken and fallen humanity. This book will answer questions that most people often ask about healing. It reveals that healing was not only central to the kingdom work of Jesus, but is also the kingdom work of the church, the body of Christ.
The author finds it note-worthy that Mark recorded the exorcism of a man oppressed by an unclean spirit, as Jesus’ first public kingdom work. He connects the dots showing that Jesus’ first healing miracle looks back to the Fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden and looks forward to the cross. Connecting these two significant historic events show that God had made good on His promises made in Genesis 3ff. There God promised judgment against the serpent and Adam and Eve, including the ground. God promised that the serpent (Satan) would bruise the woman’s heel, and that the seed of woman would bruise the serpent’s head. Jesus is the seed of woman. His atoning death on the cross-defeated Satan, destroying his kingdom of darkness, including sin, sickness, and death.
Accepting the above interpretation of the connection between healing and salvation, Penn comes to two conclusions in the book. First, healing is in the atonement. Second, healing is rooted in God’s unconditional love. Without understanding this biblical interpretation, healing will always have a secondary role in the life, mission, and ministry of the church. Jesus gave healing a prominent place and role in the kingdom work of God. Healing is a sign that the kingdom of God has broken into human history.
The book is now available to the public in both paperback and Kindle. An autographed copy of Penn’s book for $12.95 by going to his website: www.JohnAndGloriaPennMinistry.com/. This introductory sale is being offered through the month of February 2017. The regular price of the book is $14.95 and may also be purchased on Amazon, where it is available in paperback and Kindle. Check with your local bookstores. If they don’t have it, they can order it for you.
Penn is a graduate of Lucy Addison High School, class of 1959. He and his wife, Gloria taught for several years in the Roanoke public schools.