Freedom Fund luncheon promotes more than monetary goal

by S. Rotan Hale
As society seems to continue to degrade on many levels, there are those who work tirelessly in their efforts to raise the standards of life and face the challenges of an ever-changing foe.
As one group on the front line, the local branch NAACP under the leadership of president Brenda Hale and her team continue to lead the charge.
“Its not just me but the whole team that make this organization work,” said Hale praising the Executive and Freedom Fund Committee members. “Together everyone achieves more.”
A portion of the extensive line of programs and projects to this organization’s credit involves routine trips to organization conventions, voting campaigns and hosting events with inspiring speakers–to name a few. Additionally they assist the constant flood of individuals with various grievances regarding issues of race and civil rights.
As a champion of the youth, among the most notable ventures is the organization’s involvement in the NAACP’s ACT-SO, ie, Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics. As stated in the program’s mission statement “ACT-SO is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. With over 32 competitions in STEM, humanities, business and performing arts.
The branch takes seriously its focus on lifting up young promising students who make up their Youth Council–who traditionally serve as an integral part of the organization’s many functions–as the Annual Life Membership Luncheon.
Held at the Holiday Inn, Tanglewood, Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019 the affair ranks along-side previous luncheons and was the 69th in what is an age-old tradition in the area.
The luncheon often takes on the appearance of an awards affair as many are acknowledged and receive plaques for their service to the community. Contributors as Carilion Clinic, Kroger and TAP (Total Action for Progress) speak of the big ticket support given to this worthy cause (ie “Freedom Fund Raiser”).
Comments by Mayor Sherman Lea, delivered in a most dynamic way, informed the crowd of certain issues of major concern regarding the most recent Council meeting.
“What this council has done in the last two months is revolutionary,” Lea said. “You see it and it’s done but you (citizens) don’t realize the hell we have to go through in November and December.”
With that Lea announced Council’s decision to move local elections from May to November and to be held on even years in accordance with national elections that generally produce large voter turnout.
Lea also mentioned a “mob” containing NRA (National Rifle Association) members that showed up during council meeting promoting guns and the right to bear arms.
“We (City Council) stand for sensible gun control laws,” asserted the mayor to vigorous applause that signaled strong audience support.
Lea’s final announcement acknowledged the City as an inclusive and compassionate city” urging “immigrants and refugees to come.” With that Lea said he signed a proclamation drafted on the bases of openness to immigrants that would only go into effect after being signed by both governors and mayors of participating districts.
Lea said it was a Trump administration directive that he followed.
Lea thanked NAACP president Brenda Hale for the organization’s commitment to inclusiveness and equal rights for all.

Luncheon keynote speaker was Leon W. Russell, Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors who delivered his address like the true dedicated figure he has been in his position for almost 30 years.
Russell is a man with an impressive and lengthy bio that arms him with the knowledge and conviction of a prominent and seasoned soldier in the ongoing fight for civil rights.
With eloquence and style he launched a well-prepared attack on issues that continue to plague our society as voting rights and inequality on various levels and responsible gun control.
“What makes you think that arming teachers with guns will deter anyone considering mass shootings,” he boldly stated.
In relation to the present impeachment proceedings, he encouraged citizens to engage in the “protection and promotion of Democracy.” His entire address–timely and appropriate was met with resounding applause.
Affairs like the NAACP luncheon and others of this type, are vital to the moral nourishment of a people and send a true message of empowerment to the community at large.