by Blake Barnes, Youth Council president
The Roanoke NAACP Youth Council, which is comprised of over 40 conscientious and active youth from across the valley, has been very active in the community over the past months. The youth meet regularly and have been actively involved with the fight for justice and equal rights.
Recapping some of the activities, beginning in the fall, it was the only youth group in attendance and recognized at CityWorks Xpo 2014. Fighting against injustice, the Council organized a rally for Mike Brown after finding out what happened in Ferguson, MO. They later teamed with the adult Branch of the NAACP in a “March for Justice” as a result of the Mike Brown decision. NAACP youth also teamed up with the Harrison Museum of African American History and Culture in volunteering at the annual Henry Street Festival.
In October, nine members of the Youth Council, along with three college members (YCD officers), attended the 2014 Annual Convention of the Virginia NAACP State Conference held in Chesapeake, VA. The training and workshops were informative and rewarding. Fired up and ready to go from there, the group blessed two less fortunate families with Thanksgiving baskets and donated gifts for two angel tree children that they might have a happier Christmas.
Youth Council members also participated in the Roanoke NAACP Branch’s annual Life Membership Luncheon in various leadership roles. Rev. Dr. William Lee gave the dynamic luncheon address “Write Your Own Emancipation Proclamation.”
Youth Council members also went as a group to view the highly acclaimed movie, “Selma” that depicted insurmountable efforts made to march from Montgomery to Selma, AL to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Discussion and reflections will be held at the March meeting.

Youth involvement also include many diverse Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrations. On that Sunday evening, 16 youth council members traveled to Washington & Lee University for the Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. The keynote speaker there was Roslyn Brock, chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors. In her address, she urged the youth to keep the faith in Martin Luther King’s legacy and stay engaged in the struggle for justice.
Other members of the Youth Council attended Radford University’s MLK Commemoration Program, “Building a Legacy: Past, Present and Future” where the speaker was Dr. Steve Perry, founder of the nationally lauded Capital Preparatory Magnet School in Hartford, CT, Education Contributor for CNN and MSNBC and best-selling author and host of the No. 1 docudrama for TVONE, “Save My Son.” Dr. Perry advised young people to “find a way to make a contribution to your community and find a good fight worth fighting.”

Several youth attended the Annual Southern Christian Leadership Banquet and participated in the March to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The youth also attended the Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast, where Rev. Dr. William Lee, renowned pastor of Loudon Avenue Christian Church as the speaker, spoke on “How to become a Dangerous Negro.”
The Roanoke NAACP Youth Council is currently remembering and honoring those who blazed the trail in Black History as Youth Council members who attend William Fleming H.S. take a moment every morning in February to honor our history. Among the Local heroes remembered are the Honorable Judge George Harris, Jr., Roanoke Mayor ,the late Rev. Noel C. Taylor, and Miss Lucy Addison.
Also on Friday the 13th, the youth council gave back to the children at the Northwest Childhood Development Center, by teaching them about the struggle to establish Black History month to inform all races of the African-Americans who paved the way.
Currently, the Roanoke NAACP Youth Council is inviting everyone to attend its “2nd Annual Impactors of Excellence Awards” program, honoring local citizens who have made a positive impact on the lives of youth.
This year’s honorees are Councilwoman Anita Price, Principal Archie Freeman, Coach Bobby Martin, WUCA President Carolyn Patterson, Pastor Dwight & First Lady Connie Steele, Assistant Principal Ruth Claytor, Entrepreneur Sherman Lea Jr., & Community Leader Jeff May. Community Youth Choirs and various praise dancers will perform at this event. All are encouraged to attend this event to be held in March (new date to be announced). For more information, contact President Blake Barnes at 494-5860 or Youth Advisor Gloria Randolph-King at 540 562-0632.