DURHAM, NC – Tiana Nacole Horace was named to the dean’s list with distinction at Duke University for the Fall 2019 semester and was among 1,916 students to achieve this honor.
To make the Arts & Sciences dean’s list, students must rank in the top third of their college; this distinction, (the top 10th of their college.) At Pratt School of Engineering students must rank in the top third within their academic class to make the dean’s list. The Office of the University Registrar has posted the complete eligibility requirements.
Tiana attended Roanoke Valley Governor’s School for Science and Technology and William Fleming High School where she was Valedictorian in 2018 and attained a 4.0 during her Sophomore Fall Semester at Duke University.
Although she has not yet declared, she plans on studying Global Health and Education.
Congratulations Tiana!