At a recent Spring Gathering of Presbyterian Women of the Peaks Presbytery PC(USA) held at Christiansburg Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian women chose as their mission project to donate items and assemble individual hygiene kits to be donated to the Salvation Army in Roanoke. Approximately 70 attendees from 25 Presbyterian churches put together 50 kits and also donated additional hygiene items.
As part of the mission purpose of Presbyterian Women, they select organizations, which support women and children and donate school, hygiene and baby items, as well as monetary gifts twice a year.
Helen Dean, moderator of the Presbyterian Women of the Peaks Presbytery, and Diane Patty, Missions Coordinator, delivered the hygiene items to the Salvation Army. They toured the facilities and the new Day Center, slated to open in June with Lt. Joshua Webb, Assistant Corps Officer, and Becky Brandenberger, Salvation Army Missions Specialist.
Diane Patty, Missions Coordinator for the Presbytery of the Peaks Coordinating Team, is a member at Fairlawn Presbyterian Church. “It is a real pleasure to coordinate mission projects with the Presbyterian women and to gather items to benefit people in need, she said. Presbyterian women are so giving and want to help build an inclusive, caring community of women.”
Helen Dean attends Second Presbyterian Church in Roanoke and is serving her first year as moderator.
Additional information about Presbyterian Women in the Peaks Presbytery may be found at www.peakspresbytery.org/