For the second consecutive year, Roanoke Valley Breakfast Lions Club (RVBLC) is one of two Lions Clubs out of the 35 Clubs in District 24E to receive the Club Excellence Award. RVBLC continues to strive to achieve excellence in service.
For several years, RVBLC has served breakfast at the Rescue Mission every 3rd Saturday, volunteered at the Eyeglass Recycling Center every third Monday evening, and served as drivers for Roanoke Alliance for the Visually Enabled (RAVE) every third Wednesday.
In addition to its standard monthly projects, the RVBLC also collect tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, conduct 3 to 4 White Cane Campaigns each year to raise funds to support persons with vision challenges, and responds to local needs.
RVBLC has a lively one-hour meeting on the first and third Wednesday of the each month. The men and women of RVBLC live by the motto “serving by choice.”
Child Dignity Week

A project that started out as an activity in celebration of “Children’s Dignity” week, has now become a cherished club’s outreach project.
In September, Lion Wanda Dalton arranged for Roanoke Valley Breakfast Lions Club members to serve as buddies for Ms. Sweet’s second grade class at Fairview Elementary School. The assignment was to meet and chat with the students during their lunch period. Members of the club engaged the students in conversations about their interests and encouraged them to showcase their skills.
When the group returned on October 15, they were pleasantly surprised to learn that the students were eager for them to return. Lions Mary Ann DeMars, Cliff DeMars , Mary Jo Hubble, Ernie Hubble, Jim Dalton, Wanda Dalton and Barbara Pendergrass Richmond enjoyed this project so much that they unanimously agreed to adopt Ms. Sweet’s class as one of RVBLC’s monthly projects for the year.
Lion Wanda Dalton’s comment captures the sentiment of all of the Lions involved in this project “I would like to take all of them home with me.”