The Roanoke Valley Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. completed several programming initiatives during the 2018 year. Programming included volunteer participation in the annual Henry Street Heritage Festival, celebration of “Carole Robertson Day”, organization of a Financial Literacy Workshop at Virginia Tech and fellowship during the Holiday Ice Skating Social.
Highlight of the 2018 calendar year was the Chapter’s observance of “Carole Robertson Day;” on September 30, at Loudon Avenue Christian Church. Carole was a Jack and Jill member and one of the four girls killed in the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing in Birmingham, AL. Roanoke Valley Jack and Jill teen members led the Carole Robertson Ceremony that included a responsive reading by over 200 parishioners. The responsive reading highlighted the sacrifice of Carole Robertson and called for a renewed commitment to social justice for the youth and the community.
The Chapter is continuing its programming in 2019 with a Founders Day Celebration on January 13, at 3 p.m. at the Harrison Museum of African American Culture. This event is open to the public. The Roanoke Valley Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. represents over 20 mothers and over 40 children and teens in the Roanoke and New River Valleys.
For additional information on future events, contact Mother Rosie Spann-Johnson, chapter president at rsj1998@aol.com.