Roanoke Valley Governor’s School for Science and Technology announces School Category Award Winners at the 2018 Western Virginia Regional Science and Engineering Fair, Roanoke City William Fleming High School.
On Saturday, March 17, over 100 gifted and talented students from the school districts of Roanoke City and Roanoke County, plus the Roanoke Valley Governor’s School, competed in the Science and Engineering Fair at Virginia Western Community College. The following local students received top awards in their respective categories at the regional fair:
• Jessica Goad, 2nd Place, Systems Software, “A Wearable Device to Monitor the Symptoms of Heat Stroke’”
• Tiana Horace, 1st Place, Animal Sciences “Analyzing the Hybrid Zone Between G. firmus and G. pennsylvanicus Using Three SNPs;”
• Jai’Chaun Paige, 1st Place, Plant Science: “The Effect of Juglone on Expression of ARR5, a Gene Involved in Root Growth in Arabidopsis.”
First place winners Tiana Horace and Jai’Chaun Paige will next compete at the Virginia Science and Engineering Fair (April 14) at the Berglund Special Events Center in Roanoke.