“The existing world order, based on the sovereignty of nations, grows increasingly incapable of resolving modern international issues,” begins a challenging pamphlet issued over a half century ago titled “Beyond National Sovereignty, World Peace through a New World Order.” Crisis are present on every front, No nation can stand independent of the affairs affecting every other nation…The earth is an armed camp while expenses for weapons strain national budgets. Regional wars threaten to erupt into wider conflicts while the ominous shadow of global nuclear war raises doubts about humanity’s survival! Even if the superpowers are able to maintain their delicate stalemate, the proliferation of nuclear weapons to other nations enhances the potential for disaster. As the spread of terrorism redefines war, how does a nation strike back when the enemy is not another nation, but a formless group that blends into the population? These and other crises require solutions the present order cannot fully provide!
The increasing necessity of modern world transformation becomes more obvious with each passing day we are continuously apprised through daily newscasts from local to international scale. With the continuous theory that “news has to bleed to lead,” each daily reporter faithfully continues the trend leading with the most heinous occurrences, whether accidental, natural or willfully man-induced. It inadvertently creates a continuous morbid pattern that is depressing, whether or not one can remotely relate to it within our own personal lives or through the lives and experiences of others.
What a miraculous and awe-inspiring occurrence over the past weekend, however as a multi-homogenous group gathered for the first time–with no specific goal identified. Its modest organizer and promoter greeted the gathering with repeated confessions that she had no specific agenda for the occasion. Yet the gathering that included different nationalities from in and out of town–and especially from out of the country, proceeded to inject subjects that seemed relevant to all as the dialogue was equally addressed throughout the afternoon and early evening. Refreshments were enjoyed by all and each safely departed for their respective destinations before the skies opened and torrents of rain seemed to baptize the Newly Born Union!
The experience was so respectfully unifying and mind-boggling that all agreed to hold another session within the following week!
Considering how very different we all are from one another, even within the same family, one must certainly marvel at such a strange, auspicious gathering that dispersed in love and exileration prior to the torrents of rain that followed, seemingly sealing the union while cleansing away the past.
The next meeting is scheduled to be held at the Community Action Center to accommodate anticipated increasing interested persons, whether through curiosity or the inclination to be part of an awe-inspiring ongoing experience!