On Friday, May 4, two “Ladies of Distinction” were recognized at Diamond Hill Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA. Sister Peggy Kelly Dunning was awarded the Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree by Eastern Theological Seminary. Rev. Dr. Ceasor Johnson, president, acknowledged the great influence Dr. Dunning has had upon the spiritual and education lives of those within her Lynchburg community and beyond.
Most importantly she has been an exceptional help-mate for her husband, Rev. Dr. Charles W. Dunning, II in his ministries as founding pastor of Jericho Baptist Missionary Chapel in Lynchburg and its numerous outreach programs. The Jericho Church family is currently preparing to celebrate their 41st, Pastorial Anniversary, to be held Sunday, June 3 at 4:00 p.m.

A native of Huntington, WV, Dr. Dunning received her formal education there and continued her career matriculation at Phillips Business College, Central Virginia Community College and as a CEU student of Virginia Union University. She is retired with 31 years of service with Genworth Financial Corp.
In addition to her civic and multiple church responsibilities, she still makes time to actively assume many key positions in local, state, and international associations of Ministries’ Wives and Widows and is a registrar for the Red Truck Food Ministry which distributes free food every Wednesday at the church.
Dr. Dunning is a busy mother of one son; has 2 grandchildren, and serves as a mentor to other children and as a confidant to many adults who seek her wisdom and concern.
Her daily prayer is “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Fannie Spinner Crider

The Kirkley Hotel in Lynchburg, VA provided the elegant setting on Friday, April 27, at which Fannie Elizabeth Spinner Crider was presented with the Pauline V. Gray Humanitarian Community Award by the Virginia Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows.
In the community of faith, she has been a committed church worker and administrative assistant for 39 years at the Jericho Baptist Missionary Church in Lynchburg where Dr. Charles W. Dunning, II is pastor. Sister Crider’s gifts of helping, compassion, administration and teaching have enabled her to serve effectively as church Sunday School teacher, choir member and founder of the Word of Life Bible Study.
The native of Goode, VA is a graduate of Bedford County public schools and continued her pursuit of learning at Virginia State College and Business Schools in Lynchburg. Since retiring as a patient-care specialist for immobile individuals at the Central Virginia Training Center, she was appointed Administrative Assistant to Lynchburg City Councilman Sterling Wilder at the Jubilee Family Development Center where children and adults alike regard her as a second mother. She has also helped organize elaborate reunions for her family, schools and employees. Her positive impact upon the community also includes more than 100 blood donations, services as an election poll registrar and as coordinator of Christian Education Seminars for persons of all ages.
She is blessed with twin children: Rev. David (Tuwanda) Crider, and Davida Wingfield; her granddaughter Danielle (Pastor Jeffery Smith); and the jewel of her life, her great-granddaughter, Desilyn Grace Smith.
As a devout servant of God she is passionate about her faith journey as she strives daily to emulate the love of Christ.