by Brother Love
Thomas Page aka “TommyP” a native Roanoker that some years ago set out to venture the world outside of Roanoke has returned. His experiences have put him in the pulpit with his own church, Acting Faith Ministries; a music entertainer, a sailor in the U.S. Navy and success as an entrepreneur. Now “TommyP” is back, setting his sights on Roanoke. He brings with him his popular online internet radio program www.focusedradiobobw.com, where the station is the App and can be accessed at Apple APP Store and Google Play.
The former Roanoke city school award winner for Best All Around Athlete 1988-1989, is now bringing that same determination he used as a star quarterback in the Roanoke school system to grow Focused Radio and his urban magazine “The Focus” in the tradition of the late great John Johnson of Ebony/Jet magazines.
A family man and father of three sons and two daughters, he is a passionate advocate for propagating knowledge about Sickle Cell Anemia that occurs among 1 out of every 500 Black or African American births. Six years ago Sickle Cell Anemia claimed his beloved eldest son and brought tragedy to his family. Now TommyP fervently crusades for the destruction of this dreaded disease.
Incidentally his sons formed a group, under the name of “Dorky Boys” that contributed to building his entertainment company NuFocus Entertainment. The Dorky Boys members are: the late John Anthony aka Prince Charming, Tommy, Jr. aka Star Citi, Uncle J.P. Silly and their friend Trayvon McGhee. Their CD can be found on iTunes and Spotify. TommyP, Sr. who considers his mentors to be Pastor Lee of Loudon Ave. Christian Church and Stan Hale of Roanoke Community Development Agency, says they impressed upon him to plan with determination and produce. He gives them both credit for being his inspiration for his radio station and magazine. TommyP says “I want to use Focused Radio and The Focus magazine for bringing the people of Roanoke together”.
“Focused Radio aside from playing great popular Hip Hop/R&B and the latest Indie music, we promote concerts, community events and advertise-no company too big or too small.” Focused Radio lineup consists of TommyP & DJ Cool Breeze mornings 8am-12 noon, Soul/R&B with Motha 12-4pm, new comer and columnist for The Roanoke Tribune Kamila Love with her program “WordPlay” the ecletic music program 4pm-6pm, Tha Plug with Joon Dee 6pm-8pm, MHTO 8pm-10pm playing Hip Hop/Local Artists, Reva Mac 7am-8am Mon-Fri playing inspirational and Milton Harvey with Focus Gospel Sundays 2pm-6pm.
Focused is an acronym for “Fighting Obstacles Continuing Unto Success Everyday,” “Our concentration is to support the artist, so that they can benefit financially in the music business.” Focused Radio partnering with Love in Action are developing an event schedule for Halloween evening 2015 called “Thriller Night” where area kids and adultss will participate in a costumed fun filled performance of Michael Jackson’s Thriller Dance. There will be vendors and best costume contests for participants. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy this event. For information about “Thriller Night” call 860-253-2582 or 478-318-4165. This fun-filled family event is free and open to the public.