Record 9 high school students earn Associate’s Degrees

Virginia Western Community College announces that a record-setting nine dual-enrolled students were awarded the Governor’s Medallion this year for earning their Associate’s Degree or General Education Certificate while still in high school. Numerous other dual-enrolled high school graduates received Virginia Western career studies certificates in various fields.
Governor’s Medallions are awarded to high school graduates who have proven academic excellence by simultaneously earning a high school degree and an Associate’s Degree or General Education Certificate at a Virginia community college. Students who receive this award are able to wear the medallion during their high school graduations as well as during their college commencement ceremonies.
Virginia Western students who earned their Associate’s Degrees and the Governor’s Medallion in 2017 include: Chloe Amala Pusha, Northside High School Lauren Hall, Northside; Sydney Gordon, James River High School; Kaelyn “Katie” Dooley and Erin Bohannon, Lord Botetourt High School; Robert Wampler III, Northside; Lauren Cook, William Byrd High School; Brenna Harman, Cave Spring High School; and Jack Diviney, home schooled.
“I would highly recommend the program, even if the student isn’t sure they want to follow it through to completion,” said Wampler, who plans to study Engineering at Virginia Tech. “The program is a great opportunity to really push yourself and see what you’re capable of.”
High school students who choose to dual-enroll through Virginia Western have the opportunity to get ahead on their college education, gain valuable experience and save money. While taking college credits as a high school student is challenging, it is also rewarding.
“It is such a fulfilling experience for someone who is passionate about learning, but it requires dedication and sacrifice,” said Gordon, who will be attending James Madison University with plans to go on to a Doctorate in Audiology. “You will meet so many new people and make great memories along the way.”
About Virginia Western Community College:
With nearly 13,000 students on the college’s main campus in Southwest Roanoke City, to our satellite locations at the Greenfield Education & Training Center in Daleville and the Franklin Center in Rocky Mount, Virginia Western Community College is committed to providing affordable, accessible, and quality educational opportunities and workforce training to meet individual, community, and global needs.